John Sifert

Padre de cinco

I am a Spanish teacher of 27 (and counting) years who is passionate about helping other teachers reach more students, but spend less time and with less stress

Maybe you can relate: when I was a first-year teacher, I was assigned a textbook to use along with the other 4 Spanish teachers in my department. We had to start in the same spot, and finish in the same spot. I spent all of my time trying to make worksheets and textbook activities as interesting as I could for my students (it didn't work).

A few years later I moved states and school districts, and discovered the idea of Teaching with Comprehensible Input. It was a GAME-CHANGER. Students were attentive, understood more, and enjoyed being in class

The only problem was now I was spending all my time creating materials and pounding my head to find "one more" good activity. My teaching life was starting to take over my whole life. And being married with 5 children, it was not good. I spent several years too focused on teaching, and too little time with my family.

Although I am still always trying to do better, I feel like I have created a balance between my professional and personal life.

Use this website and my newsletter to join "my family," and let me help you do the same.


Conferences, Workshops, Podcasts

ACTFL 2018, 2023: Classroom Jobs

CI Midwest 2024: Calendar Talk (coming soon October 2024!)

CI Reboot 2021, 2022, 2024: Booktasting, Song of the Week, Using, Calendar Talk, FVR Library

Comprehended! (Comprehensible Online) 2019-2024: Classroom Jobs,  FVR, Booktasting, Classroom Walls, Song of the Week, Calendar Talk, Classroom Jobs

Comprehensible Iowa 2019-2024: FVR, Booktasting, Song of the Week, Classroom Jobs, Calendar Talk

Conference in the Cloud 2023-2024: Classroom Jobs, FVR, Calendar Talk

Growing with Proficiency Conference 2023: Classroom Jobs

Growing with Proficiency Podcast Episode 20: Classroom Jobs

IWLA 2019, 2022-24: Creating Your Own Materials, Song of the Week, Classroom Jobs, Calendar Talk

KSWLA 2020: FVR Library

La Familia Loca August 2022 guest speaker: Classroom Jobs

Practical and Comprehensible 2023-2024: Classroom Jobs, Calendar Talk

Would you like me to share my ideas at your school, conference, or workshop? Please use the "Contact me" button to get in touch!