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Audio Book for La isla más peligrosa

Use the audiobook of La isla más peligrosa to give your students even MORE comprehensible input!

7.95 USD

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Use the audiobook of La isla más peligrosa to give your students even MORE comprehensible input!

You can use audio books to:

  • use as a hook to get them invested in reading the rest of the novel
  • differentiate between different types of learners
  • use as a comprehension assessment
  • model fluency and expression
  • improve students' listening skills
  • help students make a connection between the written and spoken language
  • review previous reading
  • create variety in the way you present each chapter
  • allows students to focus on the content not on the act of reading
  • help make the story come to LIFE!

This audiobook provides separate audio files for each file to make playback especially easy.

Each chapter has background music and sound effects that add to the immersiveness of the story.

Read by the talented Diego Ojeda, a native Colombian.