Make your teaching life less stressful

and more enjoyable.

Ideas and products that will help you teach world languages more effectively, reach more students, 

and spend less time doing it.

Can you connect with any of these situations?

•You need help finding varied, interesting ways to provide Comprehensible Input to your students


•You struggle to capture the attention of the "Tik-Tok generation"


•You want to use more music in the classroom, but you don't know what to do with a song besides listen to it and do boring "cloze" activities


•You want to make your activities more engaging


•You've heard about all the great ways to provide comprehensible input, but need some easy, concrete explanations and examples


•You want to build a sense of community with your students


•You know that reading is one of the best ways to provide input, but don't know where to start

If you find yourself in any of these common situations, please watch this short video:

Why teachers love these products and ideas

"Every month I hire a guest of the month for my PLC community La Familia Loca. This August, I hired the one and only John Sifert.

His guest chat for La Familia was SO INSPIRING that I decided to forget all of my preconceived notions and implement some jobs for myself this year! 

Classroom jobs have transformed my classroom, I’m forever grateful to John!"

-Annabelle Williamson

"La Maestra Loca"


"This workshop was fantastic and super helpful. I tried implementing FVR last year with some success, but I still learned pro tips in this session that I'm excited to try next year. Thanks, John!"

-Linnea Scobey

Latin teacher

"La isla más peligrosa is the most action packed reader in Spanish I have read thus far. It has a lot of dramatic dialogue, that would be very fun to act out Reader's Theater style. 

It has a very compelling plot, and students will want to read more right away."

-Allison Wienhold

Spanish teacher and creator

Theresa Jensen

Spanish teacher and author

Now use these links to help ease some of your tension, and get back to enjoying teaching.

World language teachers, teach the world more than language.

                                                                                                                       -John Sifert